School Improvement Plan
Each year, most schools set a school improvement plan. This plan details key areas which the school are going to focus on during the coming year. Leaders and Governors take into account a range of information when deciding these priorities; self evaluation, parental feedback, academic results and internal monitoring.
Our school improvement plan is detailed below. If you would like any further information about this then please don't hesitate to contact the school office.
Priority 1 – Quality of Education
To develop the level of challenge for all children to ensure that an increased number of children achieve greater depth outcomes in Reading, Writing and Maths.
1.1 To ensure English learning journeys are effectively sequenced and pitched for all children, with carefully designed writing outcomes which provide opportunities for all children to reach for greater depth outcomes.
1.2 To ensure that Maths learning journeys are effectively sequenced and pitched for all children with tasks carefully designed to provide further stretch and challenge.
1.3 The teaching of reading is further refined to develop skilled readers who are able to apply their reading skills to access a range of texts confidently and successfully
Priority 2 – Behaviour and Attitudes
To implement a new whole-school behaviour approach, leading to children developing strong pro-social skills so that they talk and act in ways that are good for those around them and contribute positively to the groups and communities in which they belong.
2.1 To develop a shared a language which is used consistently across the school and leads to improved attitudes to learning.
2.2 To ensure that parents and carers have a good understanding of the new behaviour approach.
2.3 To improve progress of key children who have SEMH barriers as primary need.
Priority 3 – Personal Development
To introduce and implement Brain Fit sessions so that children have the confidence, resilience and knowledge to understand themselves and others around them, so that they can learn well and cooperate consistently well with others.
3.1 To support children in developing a greater understanding of their brains so they know what they need to achieve well in the classroom.
3.2 To develop strong pro-social skills so children talk and act in ways that are good for those around them and contribute positively to the groups and communities in which they belong.
Priority 4 – Leadership and Management
Leaders to ensure that foundation subjects are taught consistently well across the school so that pupils learn successfully across the curriculum.
4.1 To effectively monitor and evaluate subjects holding staff to account. Improve/refine curriculum and extra-curricular offer in response to monitoring in terms of content and delivery for all
4.2 Provide further support and development for staff in order for them to effectively deliver the curriculum showing awareness of the intended impact
4.3 Further develop formative and summative assessment strategies to ensure accurate judgements of pupils